Shame Radiant

A digital exhibition curated by artist Todd Edward Herman

def: shame n., a painful moral emotion caused by consciousness of shortcoming or impropriety; the susceptibility to such emotion; something to be regretted; something that brings censure or reproach. [1]

def: ra·di·ant adj., sending out light; shining or glowing brightly. [2]

“My facilitating a survey-exhibit about our experiences with shame began by asking the questions: What can we learn about how we regulate, uphold, or challenge social norms, hierarchies, or transgressions when shame is activated? How can this powerful moral emotion turn inward, to ourselves, to our bodies, often catalyzing self-harm, self-negation, self-reflection, self-evaluation as well as healing? A forum for such queries seems particularly relevant at a time when our respective relationships to a climate of amplified national & global conservatism, xenophobia, racism, transphobia, homophobia, & ableism have been significantly challenged. I invited photographers, writers, visual artists, & non-artists from around the world to make work that collectively addressed their experiences with shame. The nearly 300 photographs, collages, drawings, & texts that were submitted in response look at deeply intimate, broadly political, emotional, physical, social, sexual, interpersonal, intergenerational, & institutional aspects of shame. ‘Shame Radiant’ hopes to offer an opportunity for participants as well as viewers to explore more of the personhood & less of the pathology of our collective as well as our outlying experiences of shame. The images presented in the Femme Salée Salon are excerpts from the exhibition Three Acts: A Survey of Shame, Emotion, and Oblivion curated in collaboration with Mark Sink, Denver College Club, Alto Gallery & the Unperson Project, at RedLine Contemporary Art Center March 6-April 25, 2021. Excerpts from this project will be published in the book Shame Radiant & exhibited at east window art space in 2021.” – Todd Edward Herman

[1] Definition sourced from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Accessed on 2-24-21.

[2] Definition sourced from Oxford Languages. Accessed on 2-24-21.

[1] Definition sourced from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Accessed on 2-24-21.

[2] Definition sourced from Oxford Languages. Accessed on 2-24-21.
