Femme Salée strives to generate profound art scholarship focused on complex embodiment, cultivate critical & creative digital art & writing practices, & encourage challenging conversations directed towards a more inclusive art world.
In all that we do, Femme Salée is a crucial & innovative online art journal, zine, salon, & shop dedicated to the voices working within exceptional art communities.
Femme Salée is an online intersectional platform focused on feminist, queer, BIPOC, & disability body & mind experiences in the arts; whether “arts” is defined as visual, performative, literary, sound, etc. Working closely with artists, writers, curators, educators, & art enthusiasts, Femme Salée produces programs that demand thoughtful reading & viewing. Our primary publications are the yearly digital art journal & biannual art zine.
The fundamental objective of Femme Salée is to promote & support anyone passionate about bringing disability, queer, BIPOC, & feminist narratives to the forefront of art scholarship, art practice, & curation. Issues are devoted to the collaborative production of knowledge around specific concerns related to human experiences such as pain, care, & dependency. Journal & zine issues may include essays, interviews, reviews, literature, artworks, performances, or exhibitions. Art practice, criticism, history, & theory are most important to us.
Femme Salée was founded in 2017 as an informal collective of artists, writers, & curators for the purpose of publishing an online art journal that resists mainstream culture. Through sustained inquiry & creative research, we strive to enrich the public sphere by encouraging all, but especially those in the art world, to elevate the voices that share exceptional narratives.
Contribution to the biannual zine is currently by invitation only. The art journal holds yearly open calls.
def: femme∙salée n., French, dirty or nasty woman, salty woman. A feminist, queer, & disability studies concept used to describe a person who insists on disrupting the mainstream consumption of art & culture.
Our Team
Founder & Executive Director MaryGrace Bernard
Creative Director Madeleine Boyson
Engagement Director Maggie Sava
Research & Development Director Sam Grabowska
Volunteer Opportunities
We are always looking for interns & volunteers passionate about art, writing, & promoting underrepresented voices. Femme Salée seeks interns or volunteers to assist with editorial work, grant research & writing, & content research. If these opportunities are of interest to you, please email us at femmesalee@gmail.com with your curriculum vitae & a letter of purpose.
We publish art scholarship once a year online via our art journal.
We publish artworks, creative writings, & poems bi-annually online & in print via our zine.
The Salon showcases individual artist & author projects that invite social interaction, engagement, & collaboration. Viewers & readers are encouraged to ask questions, submit opinions, & offer guidance on subjects in need of further analysis & deeper conversations.
Our Supporters
We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals & organizations for their support:
Sarah Bernard
Skyler Bowden
Gabrielle & Trevor Boyson
Shelley Boyson
Meg Jackson Fox
Lizzie Goldsmith
Jan & Nick Laurent
Julie Leffingwell
Emily Myers
B. Pierce
Geoffrey Shamos