Pain Worth Sharing
Spring 2021
Femme Salée’s inaugural art journal issue Pain Worth Sharing explores how pain associated with chronic illness, gender, sexuality, race, physical disability, culture, or any type of complex embodiment is made visible within the public sphere.
Edited by Mary Grace Bernard, Madeleine Boyson, & Ashten Scheller
Copy edited by Genevieve Waller & Maggie Sava
I. Introduction
Madeleine Boyson & Ashten Scheller
II. Traveling Through Time: Pain and Trauma in Fabiola Jean-Louis’ Rewriting History
Mesel Tzegai
III. Illuminating Identity: How Rose B. Simpson Sculpts a Literature of Survivance, Humor, & Tragic Wisdom
Lilly Barrientos
IV. Permanent Piety: Catholic Imagery in American Tattoos
Karissa Johnson
V. Pain Worth Sharing
Mary Grace Bernard
Pain Worth Sharing
Spring 2021
Femme Salée’s inaugural art journal issue Pain Worth Sharing explores how pain associated with chronic illness, gender, sexuality, race, physical disability, culture, or any type of complex embodiment is made visible within the public sphere.
Edited by Mary Grace Bernard, Madeleine Boyson, & Ashten Scheller
Copy edited by Genevieve Waller & Maggie Sava