Femme salée



Amanda Kleinhans

📍Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Artist, Vague Force, 2023

Amanda Kleinhans (they/them) is a queer, fat, interdisciplinary artist living in Tallahassee, Florida. Kleinhans received their MFA in Studio Art from Florida State University. She is an arts educator & also works within a non-profit organization focusing on national suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth. Their work brings the fat body & the fat experience to the forefront by confronting audiences with how the two are perceived within modern society.

“My work focuses on the act of fitting. This is an act we think about on a daily basis. ‘Do I fit into these pants?’ ‘Can I fit in that seat?’ ‘Do I fit with these people?’ As I wrap sinew around soft, plush foam to conform it to a predetermined barrier, I think of body-shaping garments people have used for centuries to fit into an ideal standard. This determination to fit into a mold at any cost is a concept that has always intrigued me. These pieces are an exploration into what happens when the subject is denied the opportunity to fit because of set parameters. What beauty can be found in the folds and wrinkles of pieces of foam that are left out? What lies in the cracks of clay left unfired? How do I fit?”


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